Monday, February 8, 2010

SuperBowl Fun

Boo hoo! Football season is over! Last night's SuperBowl match-up was a really exciting game if I do say so myself. It wasn't boring and it wasn't full of flags and penalties. I am really glad that the Saints won their first SuperBowl ever. I think Drew Brees is an awesome, Christian guy and seeing him with his son last night was really touching. I felt bad for Manning when he threw the turnover, I really like Peyton Manning a lot. If the Colts would have been in it with anyone else, besides Minnesota, I would have rooted for them. I think they really ran the first half and played very well.

What can I say? My husband has taught me A LOT about football! I would have to say it is my favorite sport to watch. He is now getting me into basketball, but I don't understand everything about it yet as well as I do football. I like the speed of basketball, how everything's always moving and it's exciting and the game can change quickly very easily. Sometimes football can be slow with all the time-outs, huddles, commercial time, penalties, and reviews, but I still like it. I really like college football better than pro until it comes to the playoffs and the SuperBowl. I can understand how men get sad when it's all over. Then comes March Madness and in Summer there's the NBA Championships and stuff, and then Fall and College Football!

I would have to say my least favorite sport is....don't anyone yell at I would probably rather watch a game live than on TV. My Dad is pretty much the only person I can watch baseball with. Actually, I could watch any sport with my Dad, even golf and fishing! I think baseball, golf, and fishing are all very boring and slow if I try to watch them myself, but for some reason, when I'm with my Dad I can get into it. I guess I've learned more about baseball from all the baseball movies there've been, and there are some baseball movies I like, and some I just can't get into. I think if I were a guy I would feel a lot differently about baseball. I can't understand it the way they do, but from a distance, I do somewhat understand their connection with playing catch. There's probably nothing like a good game of catch between two people. You don't have to talk, don't have to say anything, but during that game and after you're done, you've probably said a lot without using any words at all. I can somewhat get that, but not like a guy probably does.

Anyways, last night was really fun and we invited Justin's parents over to watch the game. I made taco soup and they brought some snacks and it was all really good! Here is my taco soup recipe in case anyone is interested: 1 lb lean ground beef, browned and drained; 1 packet taco seasoning (mild or original, whatever you prefer); 1 can ranch style beans (if you use kidney beans I've heard you have less gas); 1 can diced tomatoes (you could get Rotel tomatoes too, again mild or original); 1 can whole kernel corn; 1 packet Ranch dressing mix (I use Hidden Valley); Fritos corn chips; and shredded cheddar cheese. (I suppose optionally you could add diced onion to your meat if you like onions and spicy). You just mix everything together in a soup pot or crock pot, add at least one can of water, more if you have more people, simmer it all on low, and eat it with Fritos and cheddar cheese on top! Or, if you're like my husband, you put your Fritos on the bottom of your dish, put the soup on top, and then the cheese. YUM!

Try it and let me know how it turns out! Later!

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