Saturday, February 6, 2010

Dreary Weekend

Well, my sister Kim is not coming to visit this weekend. :( I am totally bummed. That is the second weekend in a row she hasn't been able to make it because of the weather. Last weekend was Isaac's 1st birthday party and there was snow, ice, and treacherous roads. Thankfully, my sister Chantel, her husband Mike, and their two children Thomas and Tessa were able to make it to Isaac's party. My sister Kim's birthday was the day before Isaac's so the party was for her too. For now, her birthday cake is still frozen in the freezer I guess for another week. We'll see how good it is when she comes next week, if the weather is okay.

I don't know about anyone else, but I am ready for Spring! Spring is probably my favorite season of the year. Oh I don't that I said that I love Summer and Fall too! Sure, snow is alright, but not when you live where they don't know how to clear the roads and all we have is ice storms and everyone freaks out every year. I love when everything turns green in Spring and all the flowers bloom! I also love tornado season. Now, I have lived in Oklahoma for my entire life and have never seen or been in a tornado once. Ironically, it's my most reoccuring dream. Just had one the other night! I don't really want to be in one, but I think seeing one from a distance would be cool and I like thunderstorms. I love Fall because the weather is just about perfect when things are just starting to cool off and it's like 75 all the time and the leaves start to turn pretty colors. I also LOVE college football! GO SOONERS! The best thing I like about Winter is Christmas because that's my birthday. It was more fun when I was younger, but I still love the Christmas season. I am pretty bah-hum-bug about it and don't want to listen to any Christmas carols until it's really time. I can't really stand Christmas shoppers, but giving and receiving gifts is always fun and of course, THE FOOD! :)

Well, I am in my third trimester of pregnancy and lately I have felt like the weather looks outside. I am tired all the time now. Taking care of Isaac during the day really wears me out. By the time he's had breakfast, a bath, and I've gotten him dressed, I am spent! I am happy to report that I haven't gained as much weight this time and I'm not sure if that's a good thing or not yet. Last time I gained 38 pounds and this time I've only gained 13! WHO-HOO! :):):) Last time, I was less active because I was sitting down for work ALL DAY. I also ate cheeseburgers, fries, and fast food all the time. This time I am way more active with taking care of Isaac and being at home cleaning all the time. I am also eating way healthier too!

I've got exactly 10 weeks left before we meet Jenna Mae! Last night I started having some more Braxton Hicks contractions and I started getting worried about "What if my water broke early and I had a premature baby? What if they had to transport me by helicopter to the City? We don't have a new carseat for Isaac yet and none of our bags are packed! Would we leave Isaac with the in-laws or would Justin take him with us? Would I pack enough clothes and food for him to be taken care of while we are gone from home?" and I started feeling like I need to get things in order today. Guess it's the nesting process. I cleaned, straightened, and organized the guest bedroom and also the guest bathroom. I honestly love throwing stuff away. I hate clutter and needless junk and totally believe that every single, solitary thing in our home should have a purpose or function and if it doesn't, in the trash it goes. My husband is always wondering what I've thrown away next. Sincerely, you better take your chance to go through it when I ask you to or else you'll never see it again. :)'s cold outside, but I'm always warm since I'm pregnant! I love being pregnant in winter because you never get cold! I always used to get cold, but Jenna Mae keeps me well insulated. :) I'm like a hibernating Mother bear or something, HAHA! Well, time to go grocery shopping as soon as the Sooners Men's Basketball game is over, COME ON GUYS! I can't wait to buy some snacks! I am hungry ALL the time now and need something for those midnight cravings! Fritos and bean dip sounds really good! Later!

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