Friday, February 5, 2010

New Blog

Hello everyone! I used to have a blog at but the last time I posted on it was October of 2006 and let's just say that A LOT has changed since then and I couldn't even get back into it to edit it at all.

So, where do we start? Justin and I are doing well! I quit working in October of 2009 and am now a stay-at-home wife and mother and I AM LOVING IT! We found out in August of 2009 that we are expecting again, and to our joy and surprise, we found out on November 19th, 2009 that we are expecting a BABY GIRL!!! We couldn't be happier and the timing is perfect for us. We have decided to name her Jenna Mae. First name Jenna, middle name Mae, sometimes we'll put it together, but her name is Jenna. So, our children will be 15 months apart and I think it will be wonderful to watch them grow up together!

Our baby boy Isaac Dale was born on January 28th, 2009 and he weighed 8 lbs. 2.1 oz. and was 21 1/4 inches long when he was born. Motherhood has been an absolute joy and an experience unlike any other I have ever known! Isaac turned 1 year old last Thursday and I cannot believe how fast the time has gone! We are happy we are going to have a new little baby-baby to fuss over since we can't go back in time with Isaac. Isaac's 1-year check-up went great and he now weighs 21 lbs. 2.5 oz. and is 29 3/4 inches tall! He is not walking yet, but he is pulling up on things to his knees so the doctor said walking should come soon. He was a late crawler too and the doctor said some children are more outgoing and rambunctious and some are more reserved and cautious like Isaac so that means he'll be a thoughtful boy who will think about something before he tries it...probably like his Mommy. :) I'm sure his sister Jenna will probably be a go-getter like her Daddy and I'm sure she'll learn a lot of things faster from watching her Big Brother! We can't wait to meet Jenna and just thinking of the day that Isaac gets to meet her for the first time is so very special! Isaac will say, "Baby, baby..." a lot and I'll say, "Where's the baby Isaac? Is the baby in Mommy's tummy?" and he'll come over to me, give my belly a hug and then bend down and kiss my is TOO SWEET!

Well, speaking of being a stay-at-home Mommy...I've got to get to some laundry and cleaning so I can relax a bit over the weekend when my sister is here! Talk to everyone later!

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