Saturday, March 6, 2010


Click on the title of this post to hear the song.

On Monday night Justin and I were headed to the YMCA to cancel our membership.  It is a monthly expense we can do without for now.  I was driving, Isaac was behind me safely buckled in his carseat in the backseat, and Justin was in the passenger seat.  Justin and I had our seatbelts on.  We were driving down the road and I was telling him about a story I just saw on the news.  The news story was about a drunk driver rear-ending a family of four and killing a 5-year old boy and injuring a 3-year old girl.  So, here we were at a stoplight and I was looking at the cross-traffic stoplights to see when they were going to turn yellow, then red, and then mine would turn green.  So, the lights turned yellow, I inched forward a tiny bit...they turned red, mine turned green and I started going.  Justin yelled, "Stop...STOP!" and I quickly turned to my left to see the headlights of a pickup truck coming right at me!  As the pickup crossed the street in front of me at full speed, I honked my horn and as he went by I saw him eventually brake when he was way past the intersection.  I went through the intersection and parked at the Y and Justin got out to cancel the membership.  Isaac started crying a little bit when Justin got out of the car, and just hearing his little tiny voice made me break down and start balling.  I couldn't believe what just about happened.  I kept thinking, "I am almost nine months pregnant...that guy didn't even know...he didn't even look...he wasn't even going to stop...I wouldn't have stopped if Justin wouldn't have been with me...the impact would have been completely on me and Jenna...we could be in the hospital right now...he could have killed us both...we could have just been another story in tomorrow's newspaper..." and it took me awhile to gather myself.  I drove home rather slowly and cautiously, still quite shaken up.  When we got home, we went in the house and I was crying and Justin handed Isaac to me and said, "Isaac, give Mommy squeezes and let her know we're okay..." and I just held him and balled.

A few days later I heard this song on the radio.  It's a new song by a new Christian band and I LOVE IT!  The band's name is "Revive" and the song is called "Blink" and I do not know all the words, but the chorus says, "It happens in a blink, it happens in a flash, it happens in the time it took to look back..." and then I read the following verses I had written in my journal several years ago:  "Show me, O Lord, my life's end and the number of my days; let me know how fleeting is my life. You have made my days a mere handbreadth; the span of my years is as nothing before you. Each man's life is but a breath. But now, Lord, what do I look for? My hope is in you." ~Psalm 39:4-5, 7 (NIV) and when I read about why the band wrote the song, they said they were inspired by Psalm 90 where it says, "teach us to number our days" and they were challenged to evaluate their lives and what they were doing with their lives.  It was the same way I was challenged on that night our lives were nearly taken.  It really made me think and praise God for another day.  I hope you will all be challenged by the song's message.

Click on the title of this post to hear the song.